Sunday, January 26, 2020
Equality and Diversity Case Study: ABC Concordia Healthcare
Equality and Diversity Case Study: ABC Concordia Healthcare Managing Equality and Diversity Lonita M. Tejano In this case study of ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is dedicated toward eradicating discrimination based on color or race, gender, age groups, ethnicity or national origins, disability, religious or ethical belief, sexual orientation, employment status, political opinion and marital status. This reporting requirement of stakeholders to be treated equally and deprived of discrimination. Consequently, the obligation of every stakeholder anticipates that they should not practice discriminations and have the same opportunities to all employees regardless of. Stakeholders believe that ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will act in accordance with legislations and compelling explanations stages to make sure stakeholder and the employee to be treated justly and with no discrimination further down the relations of any regulation in strength from the period of connecting to discrimination in occupation and the establishment of properties, services or amenities. Since ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is faithful to remove discrimination in selection process in recruitment sector, individual career development, relations of and conditions of employment, taking up benefits corresponding to work life balance policies an embodiment having flexible working requests, planning for training opportunities not restricted to equality and diversity, any complaint and disciplinary procedures of the employees, processing of resignation, selection redundancies, and dismissals and working with other organisations. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is applying the policy like being accountable who is working with ABC and to all associates, affiliates and board directors, thus complaints of discrimination will be inspected. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will be observed and recorded equal opportunities or benefits data about workforce, associates, colleague, and board of directors on the basis of age group of individual, gender, group of ethnicity, and disability. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd is responsib le for equal opportunities, facts to the Human Rights Services Commission and evaluation of the action of this policy every six months in a year. On the contrary, external stakeholders should not be discriminated. Their detailed prerequisites like disability should be addressed. Every individual should be restricted of discrimination and be treated equally because of social justice ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd deliver equal opportunities evidence to the Human Rights Services Commission as a mandatory in relation to workforces and customers further down the relations of the legislation. Many commenters on New Zealand society consider these events both historical and present day a good example of social justice in this country. In a recent study, Michael Belgrave, Merata Kawham and David Williams (2005) showed that in the history of New Zealand, Michael, Merata, and David also found that unexpectedly, The Treaty of Waitangi was only implicitly debated by ten contributors only 4% of th e example and was connected with five different arrangements of social justice like tolerance, equal right, equal treatment, equal distribution and legislative. In addition, discrimination an argumentative effect on individual and groups like for example special effects on health and economic. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will periodically reevaluate the policy of the organization operator every six months for a year, but it depends if there is non-compliance or problem concerning equality and diversity issues with clients and personnel identification more than regularly. At that point remedial action should be taken under the policy or barriers to equal opportunities. In addition to that, the policy will review and considering the outcome of monitoring and review actions under communication and training plans. The universal statement of ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd provides fair treatment within the personnel and new job applicants to prevent discrimination. For occupation comprise the variety of employment development, circumstances and relations of employment, admission to working out opportunities, and admission to relocation and promotion, disciplinary measures, dress code, reductions of employees, layings-off of staff, positions, bonus outlines, work allocation and a ny other employment related activities. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd promotion and career development will be centered specially on merit. Therefore, promote a positive approach to the employees in agreement toward pertinent anti-discrimination legislation and encourages the staff to work better and it depends on their job performance .According to National Guard Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia staff benefits and compensation working in the Hospital, annual merit increase (from 0 to 3% of the employee’s basic salary for non-Nurses and up to 4% for Staff Nurses) upon contract renewal, based on performance appraisal, subject to availability of budget and salary cap restriction. In addition to that ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd treat all employees equally and create a working environment which is free from unlawful discrimination and which respects the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of employees. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd acceptable optimistic arrangements or an allowable except ion standards selection do not illegally discriminate on the grounds of sex orientation corresponding to married employees, pregnancy, maternity and paternity leaved. Maternity Benefit Act (1961) stated that, aims toward stereotype of employment of women personnel in assuring institutions for influencing episodes before and after child birth and bargains for maternity and certain other benefits. Terms and conditions of service for employees will meet the terms with anti-discrimination legislations. Therefore, every woman intends to be eligible to, and her employer shall be accountable for the payment of maternity benefit, which is the amount billed to the staff at the percentage of the usual daily salary for the retrial of her real absence. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd will improve through audit a good example is an individual survey of the employee, team meetings in order to gather information and ideas on how to improve the organization, to update the role and responsibilities of the employee, policy and procedure improvement, distribution of resources in the organization and programs. Therefore, I conclude that diversity is a broad terminology than equality or equal opportunities. Diversity procedures and policies comprise all individuals by identifying that all of us have diverse individualities which create us exceptional organization’s advantage from captivating these into explanation when subscription services or hiring people. In contrast to equal opportunity, diversity is not about treating individuals in the same way, but rather it is about identifying and reacting to different necessities, practices and objectives and performing consequently. Diversity is a courtesy to equality of opportunity while equal opportunities checking to implement and investigate to gather information about certain individual in order to check the procedures and policy does not have a contrary impact on a particular group of individuals or aggregates to unlawful discrimination. Gathered information in relations to gender, age group, disability, color or race, ethical belief s or religion and some circumstances sexual orientation. Unlawful discrimination which includes the harassment and victimisation, direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Positive action inspires individual to include with access to services under-represented individuals. Positive discrimination, in which individual makes a resolution on a particular characteristic like for instance color or race, gender preferences and disability.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Functionalist theory of crime and deviance Essay
Many people over the years have tried to explain why there is crime in our society. Functionalists focus on the source of deviance in the nature of society rather than biological and psychological explanations. Every functionalist agrees that social control mechanisms e. g. the police are necessary to keep deviance in check and therefore protecting social order. A main contributor to the functionalist theory of crime is Durkheim. He believed that society is based on a value consensus and that all members of society share a common culture that is a set of shared values, norms, beliefs and goals. Durkheim suggested that by society sharing the same culture created social solidarity, thereby binding individuals together and telling them what to strive for and how to conduct themselves. According to Durkheim crime has 4 functions in society, the first being that crime and deviance is â€Å"inevitable and normal†. He suggested that crime is inevitable, normal and necessary for life. He said crime is inevitable because not everyone in society is going to be equally committed to the shared values and morals as we are all exposed to different influences. Durkheim gave the example of â€Å"even in a ‘society of saints’ with no crime at all, such high standards of behaviour would make even the smallest deviant act e. g. burping stand out†, this backs up his suggestion of deviance is inevitable and it will always be present in society. The second function that Durkheim outlined is that crime helps society to evolve. He said â€Å"yesterday’s deviance must become today’s normality†, Durkheim believed the crime helps society to review the way it does things so we can learn from the deviance and mistakes. Thirdly Durkheim outlined that crime is functional. He proposed that crime could be functional and only becomes dysfunctional when its level is unusually high or low. He said very low rates lead to stagnation, while high rates lead to social disorganisation and chaos. Durkheim believed that change was healthy and in order for society to change yesterday’s deviance must become today’s norm. Durkheim also stated that shared values and morals must be in moderate for their influence not to be strong on the population or deviance would occur as people would object. We can see this with the actions of Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King who have all objected to the shared values and morals that have been too strong. The last function Durkheim believed crime gave to society is â€Å"crime can be positive†. He came up with two features, â€Å"boundary maintenance†and â€Å"adaptation and change†. Durkheim said crime produces a reaction for society, uniting its members in condemnation of the wrongdoers and reinforcing their commitment to the shared norms and values. This is Durkheim’s way of describing punishment, which for him is to reaffirm society’s shared rules and reinforce social solidarity. Durkheim said this could be done though the courtroom which dramatises wrongdoing and publicly stigmatises the offender which reaffirms the values of the law-abiding majority and discourages others from rule breaking. The second feature is influenced by Durkheim’s belief that all change starts with an act of deviance. Durkheim believed there much be some wiggle room for individuals with new ideas, values and ways of living as way to challenge and change existing norms and values.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Guide to Topics for Middle School Process Essay
A Guide to Topics for Middle School Process Essay Topics for Middle School Process Essay at a Glance Finally, it's important to pick topics that one feels comfortable to write on so you can do justice to them. America lags behind many nations in education. Cybercrime and ways it's causing problems in today's world. Causes of adolescent violence and the way it can be avoided. Think of one school rule that you truly dislike. It's incredible how simple it is to forget about the center school years. Think of one thing you're expected to learn in school that you don't think ought to be included in the curriculum. If you're in a middle school, it is preferable to simplify a topic a little. Also, once you are in college, an easy topic will be not good enough to acquire a high grade. Just pick the category which suits you best and tackle because many topics as possible. Research-based topics require students to assemble information till they write. Don't be afraid to find some excess aid to turn your paper stick out! If you get a crystal clear idea of the needs of your assignments, you will realize that it is simple to do your research. The way the structural design procedure is carried out from start to complete. Organization of a writing procedure is essential for gaining success. The Bizarre Secret of Topics for Middle School Process Essay High school is a rather excellent time to talk about your experience in persuasive essays, as you already have a great deal of happenings behind. High are not particularly interested in poetry and you'll be hard pressed to find any fans. How to Get Started with Topics for Middle School Process Essay? You also have to un derstand the many inputs and outputs of each process, and the way the output from 1 step is applicable in another step. If you don't understand how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be pleased to help you. The ability to supply information in various contexts is necessary to effective communication. After you choose a topic, you must reply to the query and after that substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. The Ultimate Topics for Middle School Process Essay Trick There are a lot of varieties of essays, it is not difficult to eliminate an eye on all your writing assignments. Writing prompts are among the best tactics to create confident writers who take pleasure in the practice. Students may write informational essays quite a few ways. They will find it easier to write about topics that they are interested in, and it will make the researching process much simpler. Taking into consideration tha t there's a wide array of topics and ideas for persuasive papers and unique methods to create them, it frequently becomes difficult for students to choose the most relevant and intriguing topic and method to follow. Bear in mind how much detail describing the procedure will require that you have. Also, don't forget that you'll have to offer some factual evidence for your opinion (after all, any academic paper ought to be supported by academically recognized sources), thus do not go for subjects which are purely opinionated and don't have any possibility of justification. Some students prefer doing everything independently, but the issue is that lots of mistakes are overlooked. Read the list and stay in mind that interesting topics are an appropriate way for an intriguing assignment. Begin a list of questions which you'd love to have answered. As soon as you have the topic, answer the question and after that support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. You should participate in far-reaching studying to cover all facets of this issue and all point of views by different individuals. Going through the rubric presented by your professor will offer you a very good idea of how to begin writing the essay and factors to consider like length and topic limitation. A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. Examine the list to choose the topic which can help you compose a creative essay for your middle school class. There are several middle school essay topics that can be utilized to complete exception able essays. A methodical strategy is necessary to compose a process essay. On the flip side, if you've got to compose a persuasive essay, all the matters mentioned previously don't play such significant function. Write an essay to convince your principal your idea is one that needs to be adopted. Search for something interesting and make sure you truly feel passionate about writing it to wind up with a great draft. A few essential things ought to be taken into consideration when picking proposal essay topics.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Department Of Homeland Security Essay - 1483 Words
The Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. is mandated to deal with terrorism problem that has a long history in the U.S. Terrorism has been a threat to U.S. security since the 1800. Terrorists continue to use powerful secret communication strategies and unexpected tools to achieve their intention in the U.S. soil. For example, the 9/11 terrorism attack that killed the highest number of American citizens in history succeeded because terrorist used hijacked passenger planes to perform the attack (Lutz and Lutz, 2013). Although the most notorious terrorism activity in the U.S. soil was performed by Islamic extremist, several other groups among them black militancy, anti-liberal, anti-government, Jewish extremist, fascist extremists, and Palestinian militancy among others have been reportedly caused a terrorist activity in the U.S. in the past and their continued existence still remain a major threat to the U.S. security (Lutz and Lutz, 2013). The counter-terrorism policy administe red through the Bureau of Counterterrorism aims at partnering with local security agents, multilateral organizations, non-state actors and foreign governments to defeat local and global terrorism. The policy employs high level of coordinated strategies in securing international partnership to document and monitor and act appropriately to Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) as emerging organizations that coordinate international terroristShow MoreRelatedThe Department Of Homeland Security : The Department Of Homeland Security755 Words  | 4 PagesThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) currently has a limited ability to persistently monitor, detect, and track, non-emitting vessels that operate in Customs Waters, which spans from the shore line out to 12 nautical miles. The volume of non-emitting vessels without metadata is due in part by the lack of regulatory policy mandating vessels broadcast their identification and locatio n which would assist with Maritime Domain Awareness. This limited ability situates DHS in need to mature the MaritimeRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1263 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the biggest security agencies in which we have today is the Department of Homeland Security. They were created in 2001-2003 to stop any threats or terrorist attacks towards the United States. They employ many people from different fields since they need overall intelligence on things. The department has roughly over 100 agencies branching from them. Homeland security was created not that long ago. It is located in Washington DC in the Nebraska Avenue Complex and that’s where it started.Read MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay786 Words  | 4 Pagesdeter and prevent attacks on our homeland and as well as deter and threats from potentially occurring. Following 9/11, the Department of Defense has been entrusted with the role in the management of risks facing the United Sates. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that it will apply risk management principles to homeland security operations and has stated â€Å"Ultimately, homeland security is about effectively managing risks to the Nation’s security†(DHS 2010, pg. 2). This is muchRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay1314 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The People of United States of America want nothing more than making sure that this country is safe and protected. When homeland security is mentioned, majority of the people think of terrorist threats. The Department of Homeland security does more than preventing terrorist attacks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the United States from both man-made and natural disasters. Created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacksRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1338 Words  | 6 Pagesthe country within its borders. Until that time the United States’ homeland security was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (Masse, O’Neil, Rollins, 2007). After the attack the Executive branch of the government created a new organization that would be responsible for deciding where the biggest threats to the country were. This was the birth of the Department of Homeland Security. The Departme nt of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing all risk to the Nation within its bordersRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1176 Words  | 5 PagesCitizens criticize policies in national security as infringing on civil liberties, and an ongoing debate ensues over the sacrifice of civil liberties in the name of national security. The DHS continues to evolve in analyzing future threats and identifying means for the organization to meet them. The DHS’s overall mission is to, â€Å"†¦ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.†(U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2015, np). The overall mission of theRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1336 Words  | 6 PagesThe Homeland Security enterprise is tasked with protecting our country from all threats to include threats that have not yet revealed themselves. There’s a few methods used to identify these threats, but I’m going to cover just one of those methods in particularly. To better explain the role of risk management, first I’ll break down the steps of risk management and explain each one individually. After I have fully addressed the basics of risk management, I’ll go more in depth on why the DepartmentRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay1380 Words  | 6 Pageshow does one calculate risk? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed a risk management system to help address risks, primarily terrorism risks. It is important to realize that this is a system. Comprising this system of risk management are some key steps, such as the risk assessment and decision making. The overall risk management process employed by DHS is still in a stage of evolution and provides many areas of debate. 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