Friday, September 4, 2020
Buffalo Wings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Wild ox Wings - Essay Example Wild ox wings are â€Å"chicken wings that have been profound fat seared and covered with a mark zesty hot sauce, presented with bleu cheddar dressing and celery sticks†(The History of Buffalo Wings, standard. 1). In spite of the fact that it had nothing to do with bison, this American food got its name from where it began, Buffalo, New York. It was first served in 1964 at Anchor Bar, an eatery possessed by Frank and Teressa Bellissimo (Suddath, standard. 3). Things being what they are, what makes Buffalo wings exceptionally well known in the United States as well as everywhere throughout the world? What makes this formula a one of a kind American convention? Wild ox wings are chicken wings â€Å"deep seared with no covering or breading, after which they are slathered in that fiery splendid orange sauce which is a blend of dissolved margarine, hot sauce and red pepper†(Suddath, standard. 4). The stout wings are cooked perfectly to make it fresh, regardless of whether it isn't breaded. It is exceptionally succulent yet not very saucy. The sweet and salty taste of the wings is entirely joined with the hot and fiery mixes in the sauce. Its peppery taste doesn't over force different flavors. It basically adds to the liveliness of the wings. This dish is genuinely mouth-watering and luxurious. This heavenly dish doesn't just gloats of its magnificent taste. While the wings are being cooked, one can't avoid the smell that it inspires. It has an exceptionally exquisite fragrance realized by the blend of the different flavors and flavors imbued in the wings.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
How to Cook an Egg With Alcohol
Step by step instructions to Cook an Egg With Alcohol Did you know you dont really need heat so as to cook an egg? Cooking happens when proteins are denatured, so any procedure that creates a compound change in protein can prepare food. Heres a basic science venture that shows you can cook an egg in liquor. Materials crude eggalcohol (vodka, scouring liquor if its high percent liquor, some other high-proof liquor) In the event that you use vodka or other ethanol, in fact the egg will be eatable, yet it most likely wont taste such extraordinary. You cannot eat the egg on the off chance that you cook it usingâ denatured liquor, scouring liquor, isopropyl liquor, or methanol. The egg cooks all the more rapidly if the level of liquor is as high as could reasonably be expected. Preferably, utilize 90% liquor or higher. Technique What could be simpler? Empty liquor into a glass or other little container.Crack the egg and spot it in the alcohol.Wait for the egg to cook. Presently, the egg would cook significantly more rapidly on the off chance that you bubbled it the standard way since you need to trust that the liquor will work its way into the egg. The response takes an hour or more to arrive at fruition. The Science of What Happens The egg white comprises for the most part of the protein egg whites. Inside a couple of moments of adding the egg to the liquor, you should begin to see the translucent egg white turn shady. The liquor is causing a substance response, denaturing, or changing the adaptation of the protein particles so they can frame new linkages with one another. As the liquor diffuses into the egg white, the response continues. The egg yolk contains some protein, yet additionally a ton of fat, which won't be as influenced by the liquor. Inside 1 to 3 hours (contingent for the most part upon liquor fixation) the egg white can't avoid being white and strong and the egg yolk will feel firm. You can ​also ​cook an egg in vinegar.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Creationism vs. Evolution Free Essays
Since secondary school, I have been on something of a scholarly and profound excursion from what I was advised to accept to what I accept for myself. It wasn’t up to this point I have at long last begun to get settled with what I do and don't acknowledge as reality in regards to the causes of our presence here on this planet. I experienced childhood in an assorted Christian home: my mother’s side are sincere Roman Catholics and my Father’s Lutheran. We will compose a custom paper test on Creationism versus Advancement or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now I was raised Catholic and we went to mass strictly (no play on words expected) each Sunday and my mother said my Hail Mary’s with me consistently before bed. The presence of God and His job in our lives was not so much as an inquiry. From that point, I went to a Christian pre-school, a Catholic kindergarten and grade school, and afterward a privet Catholic all-young ladies foundation. In High School, development was scarcely discussed except if you were taking a class explicitly identified with it (or perhaps it was nevertheless I would in general fall into a state of unconsciousness during science related talks) and in grade school, it wasn’t discussed by any stretch of the imagination. My dad is the thing that my mom likes to call a â€Å"holy roller†: he is a starch Fundamentalist Christian and a Young-Earth Creationist who accepts that the good book is truth and not to be deciphered at all other than actually. I can recollect him discussing the indecencies of advancement and how it was incomprehensible for monkeys to in any case exist in the event that we developed from them. He said that the developmental hypothesis was only that: a hypothesis and not truth like the book of scriptures. My dad is an amazingly shrewd man who peruses and looks into his convictions yet he is aimlessly strict. My secondary school was a very mentally supporting condition. At the point when I began religion classes there, while there was some inclination, I got the opportunity to hear different people groups perspectives and convictions which helped me to begin making sense of what it was that I really accepted. It was through these classes that I met a few young ladies who happened to be agnostics. I had no clue about that the general accord among those young ladies was that every single strict individuals were un-scholarly and unintelligent in view of Young-Earth Creationist. It was during this time I began read about the subject and I read a great deal. I read a book by a Christian space expert named Hugh Ross, an Old-Earth Creationist who accepts that the initial hardly any sections of the Book of Genesis are not a strict depiction of real occasions yet rather, God’s disclosure of the formation of occasions to the author of Genesis. I altogether delighted in the book however I guaranteed my dad I would at any rate give some Young-Earth Creationist sees an opportunity. My father gave me two books: one by Henry Morris and one by Ken Ham (the writer of the relegated article. ) I was neutral by Henry Morris’s book as I discovered it incredibly tangental and meandering aimlessly. I at that point proceeded onward the Ken Ham’s book, called The Answeres Book: The 20 Most-Asked Questions about Creation, Evolution, and the Book of Genesis Answered! I was really dismayed in light of the fact that basically, he said that an individual who doesn't put stock in Young-Earth Creationism is anything but a Christian since they don’t accept the Bible. This was very upsetting to me in light of the fact that a large portion of his remarks all through the book and on his site Answers In Genesis/crucial incredibly narrow minded and even now and again harsh towards academic network overall. How might it be conceivable that similar PhDs and different instructors from whom I was learning all be misleading liars? I think that’s why I had such a difficult perusing and tolerating this article to be something besides horse crap. Valid, he isn't rambling any of his â€Å"holier than thou†regurgitate in this specific piece but since I know and have perused his different works I realize he is attempting to sell something: his own little disapproved of uneven perspective on the world. The reality of the situation is that advancement isn't hostile to Biblical. I realize that the Earth and the universe are both old. I realize that life itself is old, we have logical confirmation of it, yet the inquiry for me remained how precisely did life start and create. The Biblical creation story is clear: God made everything from the earliest starting point. How it advanced from that point isn't explicitly explained. I have come to accept through perusing, research, and soul-looking through that advancement is the best and most conceivable clarification for the movement of life on this planet. At the point when my dad was finding out about advancement, it was examined as far as long haul steady changes encouraged by regular choice. It had now been discovered that the procedure can be accelerated by characteristic choice and other hereditary procedures. After some time, development has gotten better bolstered through vigorous research. I think Evolution is sufficiently simple to process for individuals like my mom until it gets to the issue of monkeys. At whatever point that subject is raised it gets awkward in light of the fact that she doesn’t need to accept that we, God’s handcrafted â€Å"mini-me’s†, began from, to cite the undying line from the film Planet of the Apes, â€Å"damn filthy apes†. The possibility that God hand-made all of us without any preparation is a simpler pill to swallow for most Christians. I feel that natural advancement is a delightful and sensible clarification for the physical movement from primates to people however it comes up short on a profound clarification. My Grandmom consistently said to me that she never completely put stock in God until she was in the room when somebody kicked the bucket. You can see all the life: the insight, the affection, all that they were in life totally channel from them and all that is left is an unfilled vessel. I never thought I’d have an encounter like that until my Grandmom died in her rest last March. I witnessed all that she depicted just before my eyes and it was then that I understood that there must be something, some otherworldly perspective to people that no other creature has. At the point when I saw her lying in the coffin, it was not, at this point my Grandmom however the shell of the wonderful and complex individual she used to be. Regardless of whether you need to consider it a spirit, God’s breath of life, or his picture and resemblance we are unique and not simply in our etymological aptitudes. It is obvious to me that God picked us to be His kids and to cherish Him perpetually yet how or why he decided to separate us from the remainder of the primates is as yet hazy to me. I have come to find that my musings and convictions line up with what is called Theistic Evolutionism or Evolutionary Creationism. Mystical Evolution is the idea that old style strict lessons are good with current logical comprehension about natural development. Since I discovered this idea that completely lined up with my convictions, I have never been all the more firm in my confidence or all the more certain about my faith in God and Jesus Christ. I accept that God sent Jesus to purify me of my transgression and I accept that He cherishes me. I accept that He hears my supplications and answers them and I accept that God created the universe and everything in it however he decided to do it in far that we, his kids, can concentrate experimentally so we can more readily get Him and His arrangement for us. Step by step instructions to refer to Creationism versus Advancement, Papers
Multi Media Tools Design And Development Essays - Windows Games
Multi Media Tools Design And Development Necronomicon Ex Mortis Jay A With Mixed media is available in practically all parts of life, diversion, learning and guidance, data, and deals. This paper will concentrate on just one of these, the field of diversion and will show how every perspective; content, designs, liveliness, sound, photography and video identify with each other as well as are reliant on one another to achieve an effective game. Amusement programming is intended to submerse a player in another condition, be it dream, reproduction or, for this situation, activity/experience and can do so just by close cooperation in every one of the six parts of sight and sound referenced previously. Content Each game is a smaller than normal intuitive film, and along these lines must have a foundation, a beginning stage, center and a consummation. In this viewpoint a content must be composed. A content needs an author and with this game the fashioners had the option to bring back the first essayist of the film that this game depends on. Having a sizeable fan base the planners felt in important to hold consistent with the story line and feel of the film. Included with the content for the game an author should likewise consider a voice over content for the on-screen characters, just as foundation story. This is very obvious in the initial succession of the game. It impeccably maneuvers you into the story with a short monolog by the voice over on-screen character and a shocking exhibit of pictures that must be enlivened through the composition of a decent content. To do this you have to compose, and afterward re-compose a story line, get input and afterward finish a strong content worthy to the makers, entertainers and to wrap things up the players. Sound Sound assumes a significant job in the gamers world, from signals and melodic pieces of information to air sounds, encompassing music just as a full ensemble for the slice scenes and key motion pictures to give a full true to life experience to the player and further drench them into this world. Tommy Tallibico was the individual accountable for this incredible errand has achieved this through really creating and recording the different sounds, music, and pieces of information and afterward playing them back on a recording device as the game is played to discover how they will influence the players experience. Bruce Campbell the entertainer that played Ash, the films lead, was acquired to record voice remarks for the game. The voice over content must ?totally catch the voice of Ash? what's more, pass on what he is feeling at some random point in the game. As indicated by Scott Krager, the official maker for THQ, Bruce and Ash are not very not quite the same as one another so the change was easy. All sound for the game were made and altered utilizing ProTools and Digital ProPerformer, two top of the line sound account and altering programs. Designs, ANIMATION, PHOTOGRAPHY and VIDEO Designs, activity, and video are a colossal piece of the player's understanding, and with this game are on the whole firmly identified with one another. Condition, the forested areas, structures what's more, other foundation variety you see as you move about the game, were first outlined out on paper and afterward digitized for use on the PC utilizing different projects, for example, Renderman, for rendering and pre-rendering of computerized foundations. The activity of characters that couldn't be shot, for example, beasts and shrewdness spirits, in addition to the entirety of the butchery were made utilizing projects, for example, Maya, Photoshop and Mira. This guarantees no on-screen characters could be harmed in hazardous embellishments scenes or tricks. All impacts were made utilizing After Effects Shake and Inferno to finish a bundle that brings you into, yet makes you need to come back to, the game. Designs are likewise significant in the parts of deals, a bundle must catch your eye from a rack containing several different titles and make you need to get it without really playing it. Video and photography were utilized broadly to make consistent with life development of the characters. These were then digitized and embedded into the game. A procedure known as green screen or once in a while, blue screen, was utilized to record a characters developments against a monochromatic foundation onto video and afterward, utilizing
Friday, August 21, 2020
Transitions: Primary Education and Young People
* Identify the changes experienced by most kids and youngsters. Changes are the moves youngsters and youngsters make from home to nursery, from stage to organize (and through the Curriculum for Excellence levels), from essential to optional, among schools, and from auxiliary to assist instruction and past. Advances and changes are a piece of everyone’s life. At the point when these advances function admirably they help kids and youngsters to create certainty and get aptitudes to oversee future change in their lives.The larger part of kids and youngsters anticipate proceeding onward, in learning and throughout everyday life, and these moves quite often end up being sure encounters. In any case, changes can likewise be testing and backing from guardians and staff at school can enable the advances to go all the more easily. All youngsters and youngsters profit by help from guardians and staff as they make these significant changes. Progress into pre-school or nursery Starting nur sery is an energizing advance, and tuning in and conversing with kids about this adjustment in their lives will assist with setting them up for a decent start.Parents may likewise have questions and worries right now and ought not be hesitant to pose inquiries of the nursery staff. Guardians have a significant job to help and bolster staffs in becoming acquainted with their youngsters by telling them about their child’s advantages and any wellbeing or individual issues which may influence the child’s learning. Progress from pre-school to elementary school Primary educators work intimately with nursery staff and guardians to guarantee that data about each child’s learning and accomplishments is passed on.This will help guarantee that their learning and improvement proceeds without interference. Staff will likewise share other data which will assist the instructor with supporting each child’s learning †for instance important medical problems, companion ship gatherings and favored methods of working. Change from stage to organize in grade school Generally there are no conventional progress gatherings for guardians or understudies at this stage (in spite of the fact that there can be, contingent upon the school or potentially the requirements f the individual youngster), however students regularly get an opportunity to meet their new educator for the following meeting. Change from essential to optional school The grade school will share pertinent individual data, profiles of progress and accomplishments over the entire educational plan with the auxiliary school that the youngster is going to guarantee that youthful people’s learning proceeds with least interference. This elevated level of getting ready for progress among essential and optional school guarantees that most youngsters will make a smooth transfer.As kids get more seasoned they don’t consistently share data very as promptly as they did when they were more y outhful. Educators get this and there will consistently be somebody accessible in the auxiliary school to converse with about this significant stage in a youthful person’s life. Guardians can address the school on the off chance that they are uncertain who best to approach. Change †Puberty is the phase in life when a youngster's body forms into a grown-up's body. The progressions happen step by step, normally between the ages of 10 and 16.During this time kids change sincerely just as genuinely. During pubescence youngsters will in general spotlight more on companions and connections outside the family. Associations with guardians and kin can get stressed. As a parent you may feel during this time you're not, at this point pertinent to your kid's life. This is more likely than not the situation. In some cases your youngster may have all the earmarks of being dismissing and disregarding you. In spite of this, you remain their essential good example and a focal point of th eir life. Changes †planning to leave schoolMany of them will remain at school to read for additional capabilities, others may pick a mix of school and school learning or work arrangement; some will intend to proceed onward to college, school or a preparation program or to find a new line of work. Notwithstanding what every youthful person’s post †16 learning decision is, it will be significant for instructors to work with them and guardians and others to ensure they discover the choice which will be best for them. This can include working with other learning suppliers and bolster organizations, and participating in programs conveyed in association with different offices, e. . youth work, regularly out of school. * Describe with models how advances may influence youngsters and youngsters' conduct and improvement. Most changes have present moment or long haul impact on children’s advancement and conduct. Long haul impacts: †¢ Self hurting †¢ Withdrawa l †¢ Avoiding social contact †¢ Lack of fixation †¢ Not getting the hang of/creating †¢ Low fearlessness and confidence †¢ Strained connections. For instance, deprivation will disturb the youngster and make him forceful with other children.Short term impacts: †¢ Outbursts of outrage †¢ Crying and mournfulness †¢ Clinginess/requirement for warmth †¢ Withdrawal †¢ Unreasonable conduct †¢ Tantrums in more youthful kids †¢ Regression in conduct †¢ Difficulty resting †¢ Loss of craving †¢ Loss of inspiration †¢ Lack of fixation. . For instance, when the kid begins to wet himself or begin utilizing infantile language in the wake of talking unmistakably †Communication and scholarly turn of events if youngsters begin to stay away from social contact, they don’t care about school work, and absence of focus. Social, passionate, and conduct if children’s certainty and confidence are influenced, o n the off chance that they show undesirable conduct for consideration and in the event that they can’t make companions. * Identify the advances that a few kids may understanding. The different scope of advances looked by youngsters and youngsters incorporates: †¢ Starting or moving school †¢ Bereavement: All cared for kids and youngsters experience loss or some likeness thereof; for some this incorporates the passing of somebody near them. They need delicate and auspicious consideration and backing to deal with the effect of loss all through their youth and into adulthood.Reactions distinguished as basic among deprived youngsters and youngsters include: †¢ rest unsettling influences, sleep deprivation, bad dreams †¢ dietary issues, loss of hunger †¢ can issues: they may relapse to dirtying or wetting †¢ new physical issue, for example, asthma and skin inflammation †¢ nervousness, partition tension, temperament swings, withdrawal, forceful pr actices, school fear †¢ poor focus †¢ conceivable blame issues: thinking they are answerable for the misfortune †¢ loss of memory, acquiring troubles †¢ hyperactivity, carrying on, facing challenges. Guardians separating †¢ Illness (their own or a parent’s or sibling’s) †¢ Changing kinship bunches †¢ Entry to, or leaving, a student referral unit: †¢ Moving through youngster wellbeing administrations into grown-up administrations †¢ Coming out as gay or lesbian †¢ Leaving home. Youngsters and kids will require help and backing from friends and grown-ups to effectively make the change to the following stage in their life. The nature and timing and supplier of the help will change contingent upon the individual’s needs and conditions.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
How Exposure Therapy Works for OCD
How Exposure Therapy Works for OCD OCD Treatment Print Exposure Therapy for OCD By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 15, 2018 Steven Greaves/Getty Images More in OCD Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Although there are a variety of behavioral therapies for treating OCD, almost all of them focus on exposing you to those things that you fear most, such as germs or an upsetting thought. While behavior therapies can be very effective, only two-thirds of patients complete treatment. Often, this occurs because patients are unwilling to experience the intense distress that can accompany an exposure exercise. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, many patients do not fully understand the rationale behind exposure-based treatments, and thus have trouble sticking with it when things get tough. Understanding exposure therapy can help improve its chance of success rate. Habituation: The Backbone of Exposure Therapy Exposure-based treatments take advantage of a natural process called habituation. Habituation occurs when a person stops responding or paying attention to a stimulus, such as a thought, object, place, person or action, with repeated exposure. Everyday life is full of examples of habituation. For instance, when people first move to a new neighborhood, they may be aggravated by the noise of a busy highway that runs near their house. However, with each passing day, the noise from the highway fades into the background until it is no longer even noticed. In this example, the person has become habituated to the sound of the highway. Exposure-based behavior therapies work by promoting habituation to things that are feared by creating opportunities to unlearn dangerous or threatening associations. Avoidance Reinforces Fear At the same time, exposure-based therapies reduce avoidance, which reinforces fearful thoughts. This is important because avoiding things we are afraid of sends a very powerful message to our brains that there really is good reason to fear such things and that we do not have the skills to cope with them. Lets look at a practical example to see how exposure works to promote habituation. An Example of Avoidance Imagine that you have a fear of dogs. Now picture yourself on a sidewalk as someone approaches you with their dog. As the dog approaches your anxiety will start to rise. If you run away, your anxiety will subside immediately but you will be teaching yourself that you cannot handle dogs, that the distress dogs cause you is intolerable and that avoidance is the only way to stay safe. Avoidance would keep you stuck being afraid of dogs forever, as you would never get a chance to unlearn this fear and challenge these beliefs. An Example of Habituation On the other hand, if you did not run away but instead let the dog come up to you, your anxiety would likely get higher than you are used to, for longer than you are used to. However, with time, and provided the unlikely possibility that the dog did not bite you, your anxiety would decrease through the natural process of habituation. If you met this dog on the sidewalk every day for a month without incident, your brain would continue to unlearn its fear of dogs and your level of anxiety would decrease. At the same time, what distress you did experience would disappear more and more quickly. Eventually, you would feel no distress at all when encountering the dog. You might even enjoy spending time with him. In short, you would be habituated to the dog. Using Habituation and Exposure in Treatment for OCD Exposure exercises in behavior therapy for OCD operate on the same principles as those illustrated in the above example. Essentially, patients are exposed to feared objects, such as a contaminated door handle or fearful thoughts, like a loved one dying in a car crash, over and over again until their anxiety has decreased. Patients are prevented from engaging in rituals or compulsions during the exposure. Rituals are a form of avoidance that prevent you from unlearning your fear and realizing that you can, in fact, cope with the anxiety caused by obsessions. As you are repeatedly exposed to the thing you are afraid of and no negative consequences occur, your fear will begin to disappear. Exposure Therapy Takes Patience and Courage Of course, as in the example of the dog, such exposures require you to tolerate your anxiety being higher than you are used to, for longer than you are used to. However, once this short-term discomfort passes, in the long term your fear will subside and you will no longer need to engage in the rituals or avoidance that dominate your life. Exposure-based therapies offer a simple and effective way to reduce symptoms of OCD, but they require courage and you have to be willing to give them a chance to work.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Personal Assesment Decision Making Assessment - 1100 Words
Personal Assesment: Decision Making Assessment (Essay Sample) Content: PERSONALITY ASSESSMENTNAME:INSTITUTION:DATE:AbstractThis paper will provide a definition and description of personal assessment, besides, the paper will provide a description of various emotional intelligent tests that include; Emotional Quotient Inventory and Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test. The paper will also provide a description of one leadership assessment that include John Maxwell Leadership Assessment and finally the paper will also entail a description of one decision making assessment that include data based decision making assessment.Personal assessmentThis refers to the primary step within personal career planning process where an individual utilizes a verity of tools to gather information him or herself. Therefore, personal assessment can be undertaken by considering three main elements that include; emotional intelligent tests, leadership assessment test, and decision making assessment tests.Emotional intelligent testsThere are various emotional intellige nt tests some of which include; the emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 and this test was developed to provide assessment on the Bar-On model of emotional social intelligence (Bar-On, 2004). This test is just a self report system that is designed to provide measurement of various constructs that are associated with Emotional Intelligence and it provide assessment based on one total score, 5 composite scores and fifteen specific subscale scores with presentation of item level results. The basic I formation required for this assessment include; the persons should be of age above 18 years, the self report and mulit-rater version should be available, the qualification should be level B. Besides, some of the composite scales and sub-scales used in this assessment include; self-perception which include self regard and actualizations and emotional self awareness. Interpersonal scales entails interpersonal relationships, empathy as well as social responsibility subscales while decision making scale entails problem solving, Reality Testing as well as Impulse Control subscales and finally self expression scale entails emotional expression, assertiveness and independence (Bar-On, 2004)..Another method is The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Testis a test that is based on ability that is designed to measure the main four categories of Emotional Intelligence model. This assessment was developed from an intelligence testing tradition which was established due to the growing scientific comprehension of emotions as well as their functionality and its based on one main scale known as the Multi-factor emotional intelligence scale (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, Sitarenios, 2003). This type of assessment entails 141 elements and it takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete and it avails fifteen main emotional intelligence scores and these include; EL score, 2 area score, 4 branch scores and 8 task scores. The basic information for this type of assessment include; at least 17 years and above, the clients must complete to get results in either 30 to 45 minutes with a qualification of level B.The main test scales for this assessment include; perceiving emotions which refers to the ability to understand emotions on a personal level and other people and in other objects as well like art, music and stories. The second category is the facilitating thought and this entails the ability to generate utilize and feel emotions as significant to communicate feelings or applying the feeling in other cognitive processes. The third element is the understanding emotions that entail the ability to comprehend information on emotions in order to perceive how emotions combine as well as progress through transition of relationships and also to appreciate the meaning of such emotions (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, Sitarenios, 2003). The last one is managing emotions and its entails the ability to open feelings and to undertake their modulations in oneself and others so a s to promote individual comprehension as well as growth.Leadership assessmentAccording to Yukl (2011), the ordinary measure of the effectiveness of leaders isThe extent to which the ultimate performance of both the team and the organizational unit is facilitated and how the goals are attained. Leadership assessment entails finding out attributes that make those people in leadership to have success at every level. One of the assessment criteria that is used to establish these attributes include John Maxwell Leadership assessment which entails five levels of leadership assessment that measures 64 attributes on individuals. Some of these levels include; Position: in this level, some of the leadership attributes assessed include trustworthiness as well as commitment and they help to discover how an individual is able to execute tasks independently without close follow-up and with the highest level of integrity and also it helps to establish how dedicated an individual is upon past, exis ting and future projects.The second level is permission and it entails some attributes such as relational abilities and interpersonal skills that are tested to establish the ability of the leader to deal with issues pertaining relationships within the organization and how other people can combine their skills to aid in effective productivity. The third level is the production and it entails attributes such as how to get results as an individual, organization as well as a team. In this case, this level of assessment helps the leaders to gauge their ability whether they will be in a position to provide both personal; organization and team results and this can be achieved based on how flexible and transformational the leader is to combine all the labor skills available to ensure productivity.The fourth level of assessment is people development and it entails some attributes that focuses on reproducing and developing leadership skills in other people. This assessment mostly tests the su stainability and future of the team that is led and also the organization and this is due to the fact that leaders who are dedicated on developing his or her skills into other team members are mostly transformational leaders and what they focus on is to find future leaders within the team so that in case they are absent, the organization will still have reliable people...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Strategies to Proofread Effectively
Listen to what Mark Twain had to say on the subject of proofreading, and then consider our 10 tips for proofreading effectively. The difference between the almost-right word the right word is really a large matterTwains well-known observation appears at the top of the Language/Writing page of a universitys continuing education websiteâ€â€just above a blurb for Mistake-Free Grammar Proofreading. Except that Twains line is misquoted, and the word lightning is twice misspelled as lightening. Twain himself had little patience for such errors. In the first place God made idiots, he once observed. This was for practice. Then he made proof-readers. Yet as an old newspaper reporter, Twain knew full well how hard it is to proofread effectively. As he said in a letter to Walter Bessant in February 1898: You think you are reading proof, whereas you are merely reading your own mind; your statement of the thing is full of holes vacancies but you dont know it, because you are filling them from your mind as you go along. SometimesNo matter how carefully we examine a text, it seems theres always one more little blunder waiting to be discovered. Tips for Proofreading Effectively Theres no foolproof formula for perfect proofreading every time. As Twain realized, its just too tempting to see what we meant to write rather than the words that actually appear on the page or screen. But these 10 tips should help you see (or hear) your errors before anybody else does. Give it a rest.If time allows, set your text aside for a few hours (or days) after youve finished composing, and then proofread it with fresh eyes. Rather than remember the perfect paper you meant to write, youre more likely to see what youve actually written.Look for one type of problem at a time.Read through your text several times, concentrating first on sentence structures, then word choice, then spelling, and finally punctuation. As the saying goes, if you look for trouble, youre bound to find it.Double-check facts, figures, and proper names.In addition to reviewing for correct spelling and usage, make sure that all the information in your text is accurate.Review a hard copy.Print out your text and review it line by line: rereading your work in a different format may help you catch errors that you previously missed.Read your text aloud.Or better yet, ask a friend or colleague to read it aloud. You may hear a problem (a faulty verb ending, for example, or a missing word) that you havent been able to see.Use a spellchecker.The spellchecker can help you catch repeated words, reversed letters, and many other common slip-ups--but its certainly not goof-proof.Trust your dictionary.Your spellchecker can tell you only if a word is a word, not if its the right word. For instance, if youre not sure whether sand is in a desert or a dessert, visit the dictionaryRead your text backward.Another way to catch spelling errors is to read backward, from right to left, starting with the last word in your text. Doing this will help you focus on individual words rather than sentences.Create your own proofreading checklist.Keep a list of the types of mistakes you commonly make and then refer to that list each time you proofread.Ask for help.Invite someone else to proofread your text after you have reviewed it. A new set of eyes may immediately spot errors that youve overlooked.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Assessment in Special Education - 3693 Words
Research Paper: Assessment in Special Education Abstract Sometimes the general education program alone is not able to meet the needs of a child with disabilities, and he/she may be able to receive special education services. The evaluation process can be a very difficult task when trying to identify if the child qualifies for special education, schools often have a pre-referral intervention process. The most prominent approached used today is the â€Å"response-to-Intervention†or RTI. Special Education teachers face many challenges when trying to meet the needs of special needs students in their classrooms. Methods of evaluation are a big concern and challenge for educators of special needs students today. In addition, meeting†¦show more content†¦Through the NCLB act schools are held accountable for failing test scores and failure to improve their class average from one year to the next. The longer the school fails to meet required scores, the more the school will be held accountable, and the greater the consequence. For instance, a school that is unable to make their desired AYP and has not improved a significant amount within five years will then be subject to reconstruction. This reconstruction could include the government completely taking over the school and hiring new teachers and teacher staff, leaving many teachers and staff unemployed (Goldhaber, 2002). Teachers and students in the special education department do have some laws however that help s them make testing less stressful. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 required that accommodations must be made for students with learning disabilities in order to be able to participate in the assessment (Cahalan, 2003). However, this leaves the question of what can be used as accommodations. Accommodations could include things such as test schedules and setting of the test, along with the format of the presentation. Also used to help the special education students and teachers is the individualized education plan (IEP). The Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) of 1991 would set into effect the idea of an IEP. An IEP is a plan that is set by a group ofShow MoreRelatedAssessment And Assessment Of Special Education2919 Words  | 12 Pages Special Education Task 3: Assessment Commentary TASK 3: ASSESSMENT COMMENTARY Respond to the prompts below (no more than 8 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Commentary pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored. Attach the assessment you used to evaluate student performance (no more than 5 additional pages) to the end of this file. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Mont Blanc - 912 Words
Percy Shelley opens his poem, â€Å"Mont Blanc†by noting how imperative the human mind is in regard to nature. The first few lines establish a relation that is essential to all life. With these lines alone, Shelley is pulling from many of the inclinations made by William Wordsworth in his poem, â€Å"Tintern Abbey†. There is however an expansion made on Wordsworth’s affections toward nature and its aweing power; while Shelley agrees that there is only a small amount of those who can truly grasp the full intention of what the natural world teaches, he largely finds nature in defiance with man’s own predilections and perceptions regarding its behavior and influence. â€Å"Mont Blanc†seeks out nature’s sublime instead of its lovely and simplistic benevolence. In some ways, â€Å"Mont Blanc†is a deeper examination and deconstruction of what â€Å"Tintern Abbey†constructs as a beautiful but surface level and thus shallow percepti on of what nature is capable of at its most powerful, and then asks how that influences the creative human mind. Both poems assert in their own ways that we are indelibly at the mercy of learning from nature and bending to its influence. Our five senses allow us to experience it, but more than that we also receive emotional stimulation as well. â€Å"Tintern Abbey†achieves an essence of the sublime by memory sustained and perfected through the combined power of the human mind (especially one of poetic fancy) and nature’s beautiful forceâ€â€something of meditation. WordsworthShow MoreRelatedShelleys Mont Blanc: What Is the Mountain Outside of the Mind?1021 Words  | 5 PagesPercy Shelley encountered in Nature a phenomenon which for him recreated the clear, cognizant thinking unlocked only in dreams. His excursion to the valley of Charmonix in the south of France resulted in the awe inspiring sight of Mont Blanc actively challenging his knowledge of the limits of the human mind, allowing a murky idealism inspired by the philosopher David Hume to come to the forefront of his writing. He questioned outright whether the mountain, or at least his interpretation ofRead MoreCreativity in Advertising15483 Words  | 62 Pagesadvertising campaign. In this case, a joint meeting of executives of the company and advertising agency is arranged to review the present marketing position of the company, with reference to: * The product. * The Consumers. * The Market Analysis. * The Competitive situation. In addition, special marketing problems faced by the company will be reviewed. This type of joint study prepares faced background for planning advertising campaign which is likely to give promising results. Detailed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Prison Overcrowding Should Not Be Resolved By One Solution
Many states are under a court order to reduce prison overcrowding. However, many states have yet to come up with an effective strategy to eliminate prison overcrowding. As a result, many authors have tried to come up with concepts and plans to deal with this problem but every author has a different idea and every idea has a different outcome. Some ideas are beneficial short term and some are beneficial long term but each has many disadvantages. I think the best way and most effective way to eliminate prison overcrowding is a combination of methods that each author presents. Obviously an issue so complex like prison overcrowding cannot be resolved by one solution. We have to take in consideration that ever prisoner is different, every prison/jail is different and every state has different policies on releasing prisoners back into the community. We have to solve prison overcrowding in steps. It all starts before imprisonment, during imprisonment and what to do after imprisonment. These steps however, are steps that stresses on specific areas. To help eliminate overcrowding of prison all starts with the â€Å"before imprisonment†step. This step wants to deter people from going to jail and what we can do to help that. This steps ensures that policies are fair, possibilities of imprisonment are reduced and if not that the sentencing is reasonable, improving the efficiency of the criminal justice system and have more of a Due process model rather that Crime control model. The secondShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay on Americas Problem of Prisons897 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica has a major problem with overcrowding in its prisons, and action needs to be taken. Since 1970, the inmate population in the United States has increased over 700%, far greater than the general population as a whole. This has led to declining quality of life within the prison system including 8th Amendment violations and it represents a needless drain on state finances. 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Coffee and Starbucks Free Essays
What was Howard Schultz’s original strategic vision for Starbucks? Is his 2010 strategic vision for Starbucks. Has Starbuck’s strategy evolved as the strategic vision has evolved? Howard Schultz’s first strategic vision for Starbucks was the fortunate result of a company trip to Milan, Italy to attend an international housewares show. On this trip, he visited various espresso bars and was able to recognize how the customers in these bars were usually enjoying the ambiance and atmosphere of the bar with a freshly-brewed espresso, latte, or another delectable coffee treat, in hand, that was sold from the bar. We will write a custom essay sample on Coffee and Starbucks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Howard felt Starbucks should align their initial business model with that of the numerous espresso bars he visited while in Malian-through transforming Starbucks from an exclusive retailer of its coffee products, to providing and serving their coffee products in-house to their consumers with an expanded product line (lattes, espresso’s, etc. ) in tow. In addition to the espresso bar vision for Starbucks, during his interview process with Starbucks, Howard expressed to the three original owners of Starbucks that he felt Starbucks has the potential to successfully expand beyond the metropolitan area of Seattle, a vision not seen nor shared by the owners at the time. As assumed, the current vision set in place for Starbucks has changed since the original one was envisioned in the spring of 1983. The current strategy for Starbucks no longer concerns adding simply a new service within their stores but revolves around increasing their sustainability, increasing corporate responsibility, being the undisputed coffee leader in the worldwide marketplace, expanding their global presence, and creating innovative growth platforms, just to name a few of the more recent visions for Starbucks. As with any great leader who sets in place a vision for their company, Howard Schultz’s vision for Starbucks is truly dynamic, and will be manipulated whenever conditions in the marketplace (i. e. economic, consumer demands, business opportunities etc. ) dictate the vision to be altered for the success and better of the company. 5. What â€Å"values†does Starbucks have? How well do they connect to the strategy and to the manner in which the company conducts its business? On their supplier-side, too many businesses today are focused on procuring the lowest priced goods for increasing their profit margins. Starbucks would rather ensure their coffee growers are being compensated fairly and well enough to support their families in their trade. Starbucks also assists their suppliers (â€Å"coffee-growers) in being able to grow high quality coffee beans, and ensure their coffee growers are consistently meeting the company’s stringent environmental responsibility. What drives Starbucks to do that? Starbucks possesses a number of values (beliefs) that demand fair-compensation for their coffee-growers (either through Starbucks directly or through an intermediate), a belief that all their consumers should have their demands met (through Starbucks â€Å"Just Say Yes†policy†), and trait of managing their growth (as opposed to an almost unmanaged and aggressive growth strategy executed under Starbuck’s former CEO, Jim Donald). The aforementioned values for their coffee-growers complements Starbucks current corporate and social responsibilities as a whole for ensuring the livelihood of their suppliers (the coffee-growers). In addition, with the current push by Starbucks to increase their number of LEED stores in the United States, their vision of becoming more sustainable and environmentally conscious is being realized with each and every LEED-certified store opening. In terms of the manner Starbucks practices their business, their business practices and visions do not fall in line with the more common United States business practices and visions currently seen in the marketplace (such as the push to become the â€Å"Low Cost Provider†for consumers). As demonstrated and stated, Starbucks practices their business differently than most global businesses do, through ensuring supplier financial sustainability (for their coffee-growers) coupled with unrivaled purchasing standards for their coffee beans, to also ensuring customer satisfaction remains high by consistently adding new features and benefits for their consumers to benefit from and increase their value derived from being a consumer with Starbucks. Recent benefits Starbucks has given to their customers are as follows: -Free Wi-Fi usage in all their United States location. Discounts on coffee products for providing your own coffee cup to the barista (thus being more mutually environmental conscious and responsible) . – Providing various â€Å"paid†websites to their customers free of charge on Starbucks Wi-Fi network; such as access to WSJ. com, the website for the Wall Street Journal, and also other exclusive content Starbucks Chairman Howard Shultz talks to the †¦ Starbucks Chairman Howard Shultz talks to the media at the Vancouver Waterfront Station location, celebrating 20 years of Starbucks in British Columbia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 7. What is your assessment of Starbucks? I feel Starbucks possesses a great moral compass in the field of business and excels at creating and executing strategic plans for their business that are dynamic, relevant, and complements their core values–thus I would rate Starbucks highly in my assessment. Starbucks, as mentioned before, is one of the few companies to ensure their suppliers (â€Å"coffee-growers) are receiving fair compensation. Furthermore, Starbucks has effectively taken on various corporate and environmental responsibilities at once through striving vigorously to purchase only ethically sourced coffee beans by 2015 for their coffee beans supply, and investing $20 million towards farmer loan commitments that will ultimately promote coffee grower’s crop yield, quality, and environmental standards, thus a mutual benefit to be had by both parties. In terms of a financial assessment, from 2009 Fiscal Year’s net profit of $390. 8 million to the $1,383. 80 net income earned in Fiscal Year 2012 (growth of over 350%!). It is safe to say, Starbucks financial strategy of increasing bottom line production through increasing the value of their products and services offered and sustained to their customers worked out perfectly for them. Starbucks has also decreased their debt to asset ratio by 11% from Fiscal Year ending 2010 to 2012 (. 424 to . 378 respectively). Clearly, a focus to clean one’s balance sheet with less debt and more activity is a strategy many businesses share in wishing they could accomplish but few truly accomplish it; with ease, Starbucks was able to do so effectively and considerably. All and all, as stated within this assessment and numerous times within this blog, Starbucks is a company to be hailed for due to their passion and determination to become even more sustainable with each passing day, being excellent corporate citizens, setting in place various plans that will extensively benefit their stakeholders in a sustainable manner, and promoting their financial and environmental position through creating a coffee â€Å"utopia†for the world to benefit from. How to cite Coffee and Starbucks, Papers Coffee and Starbucks Free Essays 1 A. What is Starbucks’ â€Å"product††¢Starbucks’ product is a casual experience in a comfortable atmosphere where the customer can enjoy a premium cup of coffee and a newspaper or relaxing conversation with friends. B. We will write a custom essay sample on Coffee and Starbucks or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is their â€Å"core product†and what are the â€Å"auxiliary features†and benefits? †¢The core product is a premium cup of coffee. The auxiliary features include the well-educated baristas that can help select the right cup of coffee and help customers learn how to reproduce the experience at home or the office with fresh coffee bean or grounds they can purchase in store. Along with the coffees available there are also Tazo teas, hand crafted espresso and blended drinks a little something for every taste. To go with the drink of your choice you can also enjoy a fresh pastry or a sandwich while listening to music or utilizing the free Wi-Fi to complete the experience. C. What is their â€Å"unique selling proposition†and how do consumers view it now? †¢Starbucks’ unique selling position was offering a high quality coffee for a premium price, while providing a place to relax other than work, home or going to the bar. With their comfortable seating areas and internet access they branded themselves as your â€Å"third place†. Customers bought into it but now that they have started to get more streamlined their stock is falling because they are losing a little bit of that selling position. As the stores get a little less comfortable and become a little more like an assembly line, customers are starting to see it more like a commodity rather than something special. 2. A. Are McDonald’s and Starbucks direct competitors? Yes. While they don’t offer the same quality of food or coffee, McDonalds has put a lot of emphasis on the quality of their coffee and have been able to increase their sales and profits. With the introduction of their McCafe line of coffee drinks McDonalds is looking to take a share of the market from Starbucks. B. What advantages does McDonald’s have in competing with Starbucks for coffee sales? †¢McDonald’s coffee has a very good reputation as a good cup of coffee. While it is not on par with the gourmet coffee and specialties that Starbucks has to offer it is a much cheaper alternative and with the large selection of menu items it can market to a much broader base of customers. For example parents with small children will be drawn to McDonald’s for their coffee because of what they can offer the children that Starbucks can’t. Another advantage is the speed at which McDonald’s can serve customers. Since the coffee and food they serve is less customized they are able to get people in and out at a much faster pace even with the implementation of the drive thru at Starbucks. . A. What changes in society (at the time of the case) helped Starbucks to be successful? †¢There was a steady increase in the number of coffee drinkers in the US in the mid-90s. That combined with the trend of consumers to drink more and more coffee out of the home has increased sales in the entire market. While a large increase of this coffee consum ption was among those that drink coffee at work, the benefit to Starbucks is that they are getting the coffee from somewhere other than the workplace. Along with the increase in consumption consumers have trended to being more and more environmentally conscious. So the focuses on environmentally friendly ways of doing business have helped to keep them in favor with the customers. B. How are these changes related to their target market? †¢Coffee drinkers ranging from 25-29 increased their out of home coffee consumption from 42% to 66% while in the same year 30-59 years old increased from 33 to 46%. 4. A. What are the â€Å"strategic marketing factors†that help to account for Starbucks’ long-term success in developing brand equity? The environment that they offered was one of the big factors that lead to their ongoing success. While there are more and more cafe styled coffee houses coming into the market at this time the idea was very unique and helped to differentiate them in the market. The high quality product and unique sizing of their products also set them apart. Rather than using the standard small med and large names they used unique identifies that helped make their products stand out in memory. Before they came around your options for coffee outside the home were very limited and the ability to get such high quality even at a premium price was a welcome feature in the market place. For the longest time they were really the only player in the space and that niche afforded them very rapid growth and early successes that help fuel even more growth as they expanded worldwide. 5. A. What are the advantages of the Starbucks Card to the company? †¢The most obvious advantage of the card to Starbucks is the guaranteed income. Once people load money on the card it can only be spent at a Starbucks location. It also makes tracking customer purchasing habits and preferences readily available. Then there is the case of the forgotten or lost cards that never get used that equate to pure profit. One last advantage is that with the card they have also created a secondary market for sales by placing the cards in stores like Giant Eagle where people that wouldn’t come into the stores can buy the cards as a gift. B. What are the advantages of the Starbucks Card to the customers? The consumer can control their spending with the card. By loading the card with the amount they allocate for coffee they can track their spending more effectively than before when just purchasing with cash or a random card. While there is no discount associated with the card it does give the consumer some protection when they register the card online. If the card is ever lost or stolen they can report it and a new card will be issued with the same balance and the existing card voided. 6. A. Evaluate Chairman Schultz’ global strategy. Is it â€Å"good†or â€Å"bad? ††¢The global strategy is â€Å"good†. You can build a lot of customer loyalty by taking care of your employees. If your employees are happy and well trained they will provide a much better experience for the customer. Starbucks mission and direction has a solid base in the customer experience as much as the quality of the coffee. So making sure the employees are trained well and very knowledgeable about all things coffee enables them to take the experience past just when the customer is in the store. Educating the customer on how to get the best cup of coffee at home as well will provide you a regular customer for not only their coffee at the office but also the grounds for home. †¢In addition the image they are able to betray as a company that cares about the community and the environment will help build customer loyalty. The fact that they not only work to be environmentally conscious themselves but also work with partners and suppliers to share the information and work together to buy, sell and use environmentally friendly products. B. What recommendations do you have to improve Starbucks’ competitive position domestically? †¢Starbucks needs to stick to what got them here in the first place. Don’t try to become another fast food establishment. Customers that are coming to one of their stores will respect the time it takes to get a high quality cup of coffee. Take that time to cross sell the customer on coffee beans and other goods for the home. While offering food to the customer is a natural evolution for Starbucks it is important that they put as much time and effort into providing high quality food as they do coffee. If they keep the high quality of coffee but serve a lesser food the lesser image will be what is remembered. On the same lines make sure that if you are going to provide places for the customer to sit and enjoy their coffee stick with the comfortable seating that invites the customer to relax and stay awhile. You will not only bring them back time and time again you will encourage them to spend more time in the store every time they visit and therefore increase the opportunities to sell more products. How to cite Coffee and Starbucks, Papers
Contemporary Issues in Accounting Dicksmith Holding Ltd
Question: Describe about the Contemporary Issues in Accounting for Dicksmith Holding Ltd. Answer: Introduction For the purpose of this assignment, the annual reports of Dicksmith Holding Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd have been opted. A brief comparison of both the companies will be done through this assignment in order to know whether material disclosure (whether financial or non-financial) have been done by both the companies because such disclosures are very significant for users of financial statements to make economic decisions considering the financial position and performance of the companies. Moreover, it is clearly observable through their annual reports of 2015 that both the companies have complied with statutory requirements as per the AASB conceptual framework. According to Everingham (2007) it has to be noted that due to a significant increase in the number of transactions, disclosure of irrelevant information has been deemed secondary for companies because these do not facilitate in decision-making. Considering the amount of transactions, companies have only disclosed that information which is relevant and reliable to users of their financial statements. Compliance with Conceptual Framework for reporting The annual report of Dicksmith Holding Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd has been selected for the purpose of compliance with AASB requirements and conceptual framework. According to the disclosure standards required by the Australian Corporate Sector, every company is bound to comply with the qualitative characteristics of conceptual framework for reporting (IASB, 2010). Dicksmith Holding Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd, being an ASX company also complies with such characteristics as observable through its annual report, 2015As per (Conceptual Framework (2016) these characteristics mainly include fair representation, relevance and materiality and the companies have successfully complied with these characteristics as per the conceptual framework of reporting. (Source: Dicksmith Holding Annual report, 2015) With respect to the corporate governance practices of the company, Dicksmith has committed to achieve highest corporate governance standards by conducting business according to the ASX recommendations outlined in the third edition of ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. BHP Billiton has furnished reports not only in accordance with the Principles and Recommendations issued by ASX but also with the UK Corporate Governance Code that also includes the Turnbull Guidance stated in the annual report of BHP Billiton (2015). Furthermore, Dicksmith provides material information regarding the disclosure of information of material directorships that are currently held by it, and if the candidate is re-elected, then will he be regarded as an independent director or not and also a statement whether the Board of the company supports such re-election. Dicksmith has also provided material information regarding the disclosure of material risks as it is prone to many risks like mal feasance and fraud, safety and health of workplace, macro-economic risks including effects on consumer discretionary spending, cash management risks, reputational risks, competition policy risks etc. Hence, materiality characteristics with respect to conceptual framework have been followed by Dicksmith. Similarly, BHP Billiton also considers risk tolerance and materiality as prime considerations for decision making. It has disclosed material information regarding investments in low-emission technologies in order to minimize emissions from fossil fuels. Furthermore, in respect of material risks, BHP discloses competition policy risks, deflation of prices risk, sustainability risks, arrangement of leasing risks, water-related material risks etc. In respect of relevance, Dicksmith provides several relevant details that have higher predictive value. For example, it provides relevant information regarding product efficiency levels under which minimum energy performance standards are necessitated for retailers so that the products that are sold in New Zealand and Australia have efficiency labels. Furthermore, it also provides relevant information regarding the compliance of amended and new accounting interpretations and standards in accordance with the AASB requirements. Relevant information to facilitate election and re-election of directors are also provided by Dicksmith to assist in decision-making (Dicksmith Holding, 2015). Considering the case of BHP Billiton, it has also provided significant information as per the AASB standards and conceptual framework of financial reporting (Conceptual Framework, 2016). It discloses relevant details about its KPI (key performance indicators) that helps to evaluate the financial performan ce and sustainable development of the company. It also discloses relevant information on the HSEC (Health, Safety, Environment and Community) trends like the evaluation of performance, alignment with requirements of other companies etc. Relevant information on climate change, variations in standards of corporate governance, commodity markets etc are also disclosed by BHP Billiton and stated in the annual report of BHP Billiton (2015). Hence, both the companies have also complied with the relevance characteristic of conceptual framework. (Source: BHP Billiton Annual report, 2015) Furthermore, both the companies have also portrayed a true and fair representation of their financial statements in their annual reports. From the annual report of Dicksmith, it can be seen that the CEO and Managing Director, CFO and Finance Director of the company have certified the truthfulness of the report. Provided in the annual report of Dicksmith Holding (2015) a written declaration has been given by the Board to these directors which states that the annual report has been formed on a sound basis method of internal control and risk management which is functioning efficiently, thereby giving a true and fair view of the financial statements. In note 2 of the financial statements of the company, directors have also stated that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the basis of AASB 101 (Presentation of financial statements) and also comply with IFRS. Similarly, the directors of BHP Billiton have stated in their declaration that the financial statements are t rue to the best of their knowledge. Notes set out in section 7.1 and 7.2 of the financial statements also prove that the annual report is in accordance with the Australian Corporations Act 2001 and UK Companies Act 2006. Therefore, both companies also comply with the faithful representation characteristic of conceptual framework. Compliance with AASB Standard Requirements In relation to Dicksmith, firstly it has followed the AASB 101 standard which states that the financial statements of the company are in compliance with the IFRS requirements. Secondly, the assets and liabilities related with employee benefits together with deferred assets and liabilities of the company are in accordance with AASB 119 Employee Benefits and AASB 112 Income Taxes respectively. Thirdly, assets held for sale are in accordance with AASB 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations. Lastly, as per IASB (2010).the contingent assets and liabilities of the company are in accordance with AASB 137 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. In relation to BHP Billiton, it has also followed the AASB 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations after the demerger of South32. It also follows the AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE). Fixed assets of the company are recorded at historical cost less depreciation and current assets are recorded at minimum of net realizable cost or value. It is observable through the companys balance sheet that fixed assets are investigated and carrying values are disclosed. After investigation, these fixed costs are recorded at cost less provision for impairment. Stated in the annual report of BHP Billiton (2015) the impairment charges as evident from the annual report are US$2.8billion on Onshore US assets, US$409million on Nickel West assets and US$542million on goodwill and other intangible assets. It can be seen that the valuation of fixed assets of this company complies with the AASB standards. (Source: BHP Billiton Annual report, 2015) Hence, both Dicksmith Holding Ltd and BHP Billiton have complied with the conceptual framework and AASB requirements. Inclusion of Prudence to remove disparities in corporate reporting Under the prudence concept, amounts of income identified must not be overestimated and amount of expenses must not be underestimated. In other words, companies must not recognize an asset at a higher value than the amount which can be recovered from its sale or use. Similarly, liabilities must not be recognized at a lower value than the amount at which they are expected to be paid in future. As per A tale of Prudence (2015) management must be cautious and conservative in recording the assets while not underestimating the liabilities. The outcome of this surely must be conservatively stated financial statements. The International Accounting Standards Board recognized the importance of prudence in the year 2010 but as it conflicted with the concepts of neutrality, it had to be removed. In the year 2015, IASB further reinstated the prudence concept through an Exposure Draft in the conceptual framework for financial reporting. As per Melville (2013) another method of looking at the prude nce concept is to record an income or asset transaction only when it is certain and record a liability or an expense transaction when it is probable in nature. With the support of this amendment in the conceptual framework (2016), companies will have to remain cautious in the events of uncertainties and risks. It can be concluded that this concept helps in removing predilections from the financial statements from the annual reports of Dicksmith and BHP Billiton, it can be observed that both companies have adopted the concept of prudence in their annual reports. (Source: Dicksmith Holding Annual report, 2015) In relation to Dicksmith, the identification of the companys profits proves the inclusion of prudence concept when these depict risks and uncertainties about future outcomes. Furthermore, the assets which are held for sale are recorded in accordance with AASB 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations instead of being identified as fair values. This is the concept of prudence where assets held for sale are not written up and instead written down to their recoverable values. Similarly, in relation to BHP Billiton, the impairment events which results in the write-down of an assets carrying amount is subject to the concept of prudence as this overcomes the normal distribution of a non-current assets cost above its efficient life. As per Brigham Daves (2012) IASB has redressed the limitations that impacted the relevance of prudence but sadly, many companies find the applicability of prudence in accounting very difficult and hence more standardization is required. Critical evaluation Both Dicksmith and BHP Billiton have successfully complied with the conceptual framework of accounting and AASB requirements in their annual reports. In relation to corporate governance, Dicksmith follows only ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations while BHP follows both UK Corporate Governance Code and ASX Recommendations. On one hand, the majority of underlying earnings of Dicksmith originate from consumer electronic items while BHP mainly earns from Onshore US Assets including Petroleum, coal, copper and iron-ore. Both the companies have adopted a whistle-blowing policy on violations of code of conduct (Dicksmith Holding, 2015). Dicksmith has more advantage than BHP in case of corporate governance of the company because it has outlined several principles that must be followed by every person associated with the company. It not only ensures integrity and morality but also transparency in the annual reports. BHP mainly aims for a high corporate governance standard f or enhancement of long-term value, that is short-term value is not given due importance. But due to this purpose, BHP benefits in the long-run as its policies and corporate governance standards have high flexibility for enhancing long-term value (Needles Powers, 2013). (Source: BHP Billiton Annual report, 2015) The disclosure policy of Dicksmith is observed under the Corporations Act 2001 and Listing Rules. It must disclose any such information to the Australian Stock Exchanges that can have a material impact on its price value of shares. As per Dicksmith Holding (2015) a continuous Disclosure Policy has been established by the company which aims to ensure that every investor has equal and timely availability of relevant information relating to the company. Directors are bound to comply with this policy that includes delegation of responsibilities. If any officer or employee of the company becomes known to any material information that can be price-sensitive, he is bound to report of such happening to the disclosure officer (Company Secretary) of the company. Important announcements relating to the company is first made public on its website before complying with continuous disclosure policies. In relation to the disclosure of BHP Billiton, it can be observed that for the purposes of IFRS, it has disclosed its demerged assets which are treated as discontinued operations of the company. It also discloses information relating to its operations in hydraulic fracturing done on federal lands. Chemicals and water used for such operations are also disclosed and laid down in the annual report of BHP Billiton (2015). As the company is committed towards open and transparent communications with public, government and investors, it discloses relevant information towards the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) which is a measure of activities that any company has undertaken for management of carbon. According to Kalpan (2011) disclosure of such information has resulted in an enhancement of the CDP score of the company since 2013. In relation to the market risks, company has disclosed quantitative and qualitative information and the primary market risks can be found in section 1.15.1 of the annual report while outstanding sensitive instruments (market risk) is consisted in note 23 of the financial statements. (Source: BHP Billiton Annual report, 2015) As per Carmichael Graham (2012) in relation to royalty and tax liabilities, company has disclosed various provisions regarding such tax liabilities and contingent liabilities that include estimates of transfer pricing and other issues where uncertainty is present during the application of law. A disclosure committee is also appointed by the company that purposes to see whether the company has complied with disclosure requirements and other security dealings or not. In relation to political donations, contribution to public debate of policy matters that can impact the operation of the company is disclosed through AEC (Australian Electoral Commission) purposes, in the Directors report. According to the UK requirements in the remuneration report, BHP is also bound to disclose relevant information regarding the Directors. AASB, IFRS and Australian Corporations Act 2001 also bound the company to disclose information relating with the Key Managerial Personnel. Information associated with the remuneration of directors including KMP, ordinary transactions and shareholdings etc are also required to be disclosed by BHP Billiton. The information disclosed by BHP Billiton and Dicksmith are clearly of material nature and must not be ignored by the companies, whether it is compulsory or not, because it facilitates in better decision-making by the users of financial statements. Recommendations After a critical evaluation of the annual reports of both Dicksmith and BHP Billiton, it can be stated that disclosures that are of relevant nature must be disclosed by the companies because users can take an effective decision on the basis of them. However, it is recommended that any information that is not relevant must be discarded by the companies as it diminishes the usefulness of valuable information. As per Gibson (2010) with days passing by, there has been a significant increase in accounting transactions and if companies do not adhere to disclosure policies, then not only users will face problems, but the company itself will. It is highly recommended that companies must not only follow the conceptual framework for accounting but the disclosure principle must also be given significant consideration because it helps in reducing risks that have originated through such complexities in transactions. Conclusion It can be concluded that conceptual framework of accounting and disclosure principles play a key role in enhancing the usefulness of information present in the financial statements. Considering the example of Dicksmith and BHP Billiton, both have complied with such frameworks and AASB requirements. They have also successfully complied with the disclosure policies as laid down in their annual reports which surely must have been very useful to every user. On a whole, it can be said that conceptual framework, accounting standard requirement and the disclosure principle are altogether an essential ingredient of a useful financial statement. Companies adhering to such ingredient enjoy a good reputation in the market and are very less prone to risks. References A tale of Prudence 2015, Investor perspectives, [online] Available at: 2/Documents/Prudence_Investor-Perspective_Conceptual-FW.PDF [Accessed 17 August 2016]. BHP Billiton 2015, BHP Billiton Annual Report and accounts 2015, [online] Available at:[Accessed 17 August 2016]. Brigham, E. Daves, P., 2012. Intermediate Financial Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Carmichael, D.R. and Graham, L., 2012. Accountants Handbook, Financial Accounting and General Topics. John Wiley Sons. Choi, R.D. and Meek, G.K., 2011. International accounting, Pearson . Conceptual Framework., 2016. Conceptual Framework Pronouncements, [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2016]. Dicksmith Holding., 2015. Dicksmith Holding Annual Report and accounts 2015, [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 August 2016]. Everingham, G.K., Kleynhans, J.E. Posthumus, L., C 2007. Principles of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. Juta and Company Ltd. Gibson, C., 2010. Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information. Cengage Learning. International Accounting Standards Board., 2010. Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, [online] Available at: Kaplan, R.S., 2011. Accounting scholarship that advances professional knowledge and practice. The Accounting Review, 86(2), p. 367383. Melville, A., 2013. International Financial Reporting A Practical Guide. Pearson, Education Limited, UK Needles, B. Powers, M., 2013. Principles of Financial Accounting. Cengage Learning.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Market-Driven Job Evaluation and Job-Worth Systems Sample
Question: Discuss the similarities and differences between market-driven job evaluation and job-worth systems of job evaluation. Describe an example of each approach and provide the rationale for why it is the best approach for the situation described. Answer: Introduction Due to the evolution of the contemporary business world, companies are continuously searching for specialised ways for constructing a workforce, which actually helps them to deal with the changing economic perceptions. Edwards (2012) proposed that job creation and inflation related to various goods and services are mainly responsible for developing a climate requiring the useful involvement of a suitable human resource plan in the right place for the majority of corporations of modern day. In this particular scenario, it is constructive for the human resource managers to determine the job worth, which can be performed by conducting a job evaluation based on the current market needs (Day, 2012). It is observed that the certain implication of the process encourages the organization to achieve success along with the other potential contributions from the information documented through the extensive research. In order to achieve the organizational aims productively, the management must n eed to adopt a market-driven approach for luring the talents from the market, recruiting them to the company, and retaining them with the workforce (Kinyili, Karanja, Namusonge, 2015). However, there is a significant level of difference between the market-driven job evaluation and job worth system regardless of their mutual connection with the workforce development. Therefore, this paper is formed with the aim of developing a suitable discussion regarding the Market-driven Job Evaluation vs. Job Worth for elaborating critical understanding on what the organizations should need to exercise internally or externally. Similarities and Differences between Market-driven Job Evaluation and Job-worth System of Job Evaluation As dictated by day (2012), companies from the modern day environment are always looking for a sustainable niche, which might contribute to their survival in the respective marketplaces. By the investigation regarding the historical timeframe, it is observed that the organizations are going through an ever changing redesigning process from both internally and externally for countering the risks associated with the market settings (). With reference to the identified fact, often the organizations can be seen designing new jobs, placements, and classifications in accordance to the needs of its customers or organizational strategies. Furthermore, companies may create an entirely innovative division for just in place for addressing the new trends, technologic needs, and development requirements for the corporation. From the above understanding, it can be assumed that the job evaluation techniques are followed for brewing a more personalised product or service and offering them to the customers for enriching their buying experience (Effort, 2013). Here, Kinyi and Karanja (2015) have indicated the suggestion provided by the talent management experts Susan Cantrell and David Smith to ensure the introduction of a revolutionary new system for managing people within the organization adeptly. The particular system exerted by the experts was known as Workforce of One eliminating the generic approaches for responding to the workforce requirements while leveraging more on the development of a highly nuanced and customised system for every employee (Edwards, 2012). The result of the study reflects the formation of a new relationship between the employees and the organizations. Kinyi and Karanja (2015) has further investigated the fundamental outcomes of such process and come up with the findings that the core application of the modified approach lowers the rate of employee turnover, maximiss the productivity, and enhances profit margin across the organizations. The job-worth evaluation sufficiently contributes the the achievement of proposed goals of the identified system. On the other hand, a market-driven evaluation is principally performed by the team responsible for managing performance of the workforce (Bamberger, Biron, Meshoulam, 2014). As part of the process, a systematic methodology is organised by the team with the intention of overseeing the primary requirements for each department and unit within the corporation. Effort (2013) has indicated some unique factors regarding the roles played by the performance management team. According to the investigation of the identified literature, performance management system is responsible for creating job reports according to the evaluation standards when they notice the need of another department or position for supporting the alleviation of the assessed burden faced by the other divisions. The same process is applied for engendering resolutions for the complaints raised by the customers as well (Kerzner, 2013). Therefore, the identified scenarios give rise to the job evaluation process by setting the standard criteria, which are ultimately submitted at the annual conference held by the company. Most importantly, it is worthy enough to mention that job assessment done by following the job worth system deals with the specific worth of an employees position while determining quantity of compensations for acquiring the identified position (Ulrich, 2013). Hence, job worth is momentously important for the companies to follow for providing a justifiable position to the employees during the lines of inflation, pay rates, and cost of living. Edwards (2012) has explained that a regular supervision by the performance management department helps them to determine whether there is a need for increase within the hired position of a certain department. From the overall analysis, the fundamental similarity between Market-driven and job-worth is improving the capabilities of the organization for satisfying the differing needs of customers as well as employees. However, the major difference between the two systems is that internal equity is maintained by job-worth, where market-driven approach reflects how external environment is affecting the organizational position (Purce, 2014). Example of Each Approach and their Rationale The significant rise of job-worth is caused due to the volatility of the current business environment influenced by exchange rate fluctuations or inflation of products or services (Tyson, 2014). Different industries from the global platform may it be retail, information technology, or food and beverage sectors are all continuously devoted to achieving the prominent share of growth from their target market. According to Kerzner (2013), the growth objectives of different firms are largely dependent on considering an evaluation for determining the necessity of employee growth, pay rises, and workforce retention. The rationale behind the process is simply based on defining and developing a balance supply and demand where the prominence is provided to the implementation and development (Goetsch Davis, 2014). On the other hand, listening minutely and fulfilling the requirements of consumers should be the foremost priority of a business irrespective of its operations under a small and medium enterprise or the major corporate guidelines. Such a scenario cause the application of a market-driven approach, as the process encourages the company to use a Consumer Price Index (CPI) for scrutinizing the needs of market consumers and supporting the measurements associated with the different areas of the company (Mathis, et al., 2016). For example, the need for modifications to the specific product, service, or department can be categorised as the market-driven approaches. The overall explanation of the two different concepts can be suitably clarified through an example. In the short run, monetary policy highly influences inflation and the nation-wide demand for the product and service. The given situation raises demand for the capable employees who can deliver quality products and services to the c ustomers while drives the organization to undertake the job-worth evaluation to attract those talents and satisfy the complicated demands for promoting the financial standing of the business (Tyson, 2014). Conclusion From the rationale obtained through the typical arguments and comparisons rendered throughout the paper, it can be determined that consumers and employees are two principal factors that the company should leverage upon to ensure the smoothness in whole business functionality. Consumers determine the market-driven approach for the companies whereas employees represent the job-worth evaluation. Consumers are the ones setting the bar for enterprises regarding its future operations like the ways it will induct to hire employees and the type of goods and services produced for consumption. On the other hand, the corporation needs to stress on its internal environment to improve the job positions for its employees for continuously meeting the diverse needs of customers. It is vital for the firms to take suggestions from the performance management experts to satisfy the consumer demands alongside the employee concerns prosperously. The simultaneous presence of both types of job evaluation ul timately leads the organization to provide assistance on analysing and creating jobs. References Bamberger, P. A., Biron, M., Meshoulam, I. (2014).Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact. Routledge. Day, N. E. (2012). Pay equity as a mediator of the relationships among attitudes and communication about pay level determination and pay secrecy.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,19(4), 462-476. Edwards, M. R. (2012). Employer branding: developments and challenges.Managing Human Resources: Human Resource Management in Transition,5. Effort, D. (2013). Implementing Performance Management and Recognition and Rewards (PMRR) Systems.Human Resource Planning: Solutions to Key Business Issues Selected Articles,12(3), 169. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Kerzner, H. R. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Kinyili, J. M., Karanja, K., Namusonge, G. S. (2015). Role of remuneration and career advancement practices on the retention of employees in organizations: evidence from research.International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,4(7), 254-279. Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., Meglich, P. (2016).Human resource management. Nelson Education. Purce, J. (2014). The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Tyson, S. (2014).Essentials of human resource management. Routledge. Ulrich, D. (2013).Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press.
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