Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Moon Hoax Essays - 725 Words
The Moon Hoax has been around since 1835, when the New York Sun printed an article about this whole ordeal. The New York Sun used and credited Sir John Herschel, who was a British Astronomer. Herschel claimed that he had tried out a new type of telescope on the Cape of Good Hope in January of 1834. While in Cape Town, he said hed set up an Observatory. Using this, he claimed to have observed what he thought of as the Real Moon. He claimed to have seen vegetation, bodies of water, and living creatures. He also said he had seen Bat People who were described as being furry winged men. This took the People at a shock, and the Evidence and science astounded them. So many began to believe this is true. Today, there is still†¦show more content†¦Earth rocks are very abundant in these minerals and other minerals that thrive in the high temperatures. They are almost completely deprived of these types of elements. Moon Rocks don?t. Moon Rocks also contain small ball like pieces of glass. The main theory on how this happened is by Moon dust being heated to extremely high temperatures along with other minerals. The hot dust would form a small glass piece, and the other minerals would form the rest of the rock. Earth rocks do not have this feature. . In conclusion, one who reads this can clearly see that, by these terms, there is clear evidence that we did in fact walk on the moon. The exact evidence of the mineral makeup of Moon Rocks is convicting and practical evidence. Also, there is the common sense part. If the United States didn?t go to the moon, and produced fake moon rocks, Russian scientists would have a say about it, saying as though we went to the moon at the height of the cold war, and produced Moon Rocks that could be tested by any scientist. Works Cited 1. Apollo Moon Rocks. Curators Chioce. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. 15 Oct. 2007 http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/cchoice/moonrocks/moonrocks3.htm. This was a good source because it provided good, true information and backed up it?s information with information from qualified specialists. 2. Knier, Gil, and Becky Bray. The Moon Landing Hoax. NewShow MoreRelatedMoon Landing Hoax1034 Words  | 4 Pages  Although Technology to fake the moon landing did not exist at the time, the U.S. Government was desperate to beat the Russians in the space race, faked the lunar landings by having NASA. Stage the whole thing. There has been a number of people who believe the moon landings never actually happened, faked right before our eyes maybe by our own government and other organizations.Our Government merely could have cheated public people out of billions of tax dollars just so they could beat the sovietRead MoreMoon Landing Hoax Essay2276 Words  | 10 PagesMoon Landing Hoax John F. Kennedy once said, No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard†. The main motive for this quote was to ensure that the United States wanted to beat out the Soviets in the space race. Ever since the Soviets tried to advance on the moon, the United States wanted to be the first successfulRead MoreReasons the Moon Landings Could Be a Hoax1531 Words  | 7 PagesArmstrong, the first man to supposedly land on the moon. The question is, did he really land on the moon, or was it a broadcasted fraud? Thousands of Americans argue that it was a setup such as the attacks on September 11, and every day, somebody changes their opinion on what really happened. For many years, people have been trying to figure out this occasion, and ever since Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin Ventu red down from the moon, conspiracies have been appearing. The three menRead MoreThe Moon Landing Was Not a Hoax Essay1254 Words  | 6 PagesThe Moon Landing Was Not a Hoax Some Americans now ask, Was the moon landing a hoax? Is this actually possible; would the U.S. government lie to our nation, let alone the whole world? The answer, no, should jump out. Hoax believers (HBs) thought they researched this thoroughly and gained enough evidence to prove that the moon landing was a hoax, but they dont know jack! Their whole case can be compared to a brick house with one difference. It seems like the bricks have all the cornersRead MoreOne Giant Lie for Mankind: Was the Moon Landing a Hoax?2061 Words  | 9 Pagesmankind,†is one of the most recognized quotes by Neil Armstrong as he was taking the first human steps on the moon. But was he actually on the moon? Some would say that on July 20, 1969, man did not make it to the moon and Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin never touched the lunar surface of the moon. The explanation is that the government faked the landing and moon walk somehow. Why fake the moon landing though? This was a momentous t ime in American history and it could be a lie. If it is a lie thereRead MoreThe Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory1515 Words  | 7 PagesEnglish crown and Elvis. The list is endless. In this paper we are going to discuss the moon landing conspiracy. Apparently there are people who believe the entire moon landing was a hoax. They believe that we did not actually land on the moon, but produced the event in a movie studio so that we would be able to beat Russia in the great â€Å"Space Race†. These people have taken all the evidence from the moon landing and analyzed ever aspect and tried to find faults or inconsistencies with the evidenceRead MoreMoon Landing Essay1085 Words  | 5 PagesWas the moon landing a fake? How did we have the technology to send a rocket as well as people to the space? The footprint on the moon didn’t match that of Armstrongs boot, where’d this tread pattern left on the footprint come from? These are just some questions that are a sked about the moon landing. Was it real or fake? You could research this topic on many different webpages, books, and personal opinions but will it ever bring us closer to the truth? Also can you trust what you read or heard fromRead MoreMoon Landing Exploratory Essay1029 Words  | 5 PagesMoon Landing 1969 â€Å"Ignition sequence starts, three, two, one, all engine running, zero, lift off.†On July 16th 9:32 a.m., Apollo 11 was successfully launched as millions watched. Indeed, the lunar mission of the Apollo 11 was a new break through in the field of space exploration. Soon after, however, many controversies were raised on the authenticity of this event. Many critics of the lunar landing believe that this event was a hoax perpetuated to deceive the society. The debate, whether the moonRead More The Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con Essay1352 Words  | 6 PagesThe Lunar Landing Hoax Theory - Evidence Pro and Con A cash reward of $100,000 was offered to anyone who could prove, with conclusive physical evidence, the existence of the moon. This reward still remains unclaimed (The Moon-The Real Truth). After all, how does one know for sure the moon even exists? Even if it does exist, how does one prove it? Thats what NASA set out to do in the late 1960s. On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong planted the first human footprints in the lunar soil. The UnitedRead MoreA Great Accomplishment By Man Was Made1194 Words  | 5 Pagesmade. It was a huge milestone in the science community. Everyone who owned a television tuned in to watch the greatest accomplishment of the year. The landing of the moon is probably to this day still one of the biggest scientific breakthrough. But several different conspiracies risen suggesting that it never occurred and it was some hoax. On July, 16 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were aboard Apollo 11 strapped in for their mission is. At 9:32 AM the rocket was launched
Monday, December 16, 2019
Appendicitis Free Essays
In the position of the appendix, age of the patient, and degree of inflammation make the clinical presentation of appendicitis notoriously inconsistent. Statistics report that 1 of 5 cases of appendicitis is misdiagnosed; however, a normal appendix is found In 15-40% of patients who have an emergency appendectomy. Niwa et al reported an Interesting case of a young woman with recurrent pain In who was referred for appendicitis, treated with antibiotics, and was found to have an ppendiceal diverticulitis associated with a rare pelvic pseudocyst at laparotomy after 12 months. We will write a custom essay sample on Appendicitis or any similar topic only for you Order Now 15] Her condition was probably due to diverticular perforation of the pseudocyst_ Symptoms The classic history of anorexia and perlumblllcal pain followed by nausea, right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain, and vomiting occurs in only 50% of cases. Nausea is present in 61-92% of patients; anorexia is present in 74-78% of patients. Neither finding is statistically different from findings in patients who present to the emergency epartment with other etiologies of abdominal pain. In addition, when vomiting occurs, it nearly always follows the onset of pain. Vomiting that precedes pain Is suggestive of Intestinal obstruction, and the diagnosis of appendicitis should be reconsidered. Diarrhea or constipation Is noted In as many as of patients and should not be used to discard the possibility of appendicitis. The most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain. Typically, symptoms begin as periumbilical or epigastric pain migrating to the right lower quadrant (RLQ) f the abdomen. This pain migration is the most discriminating feature of the patient’s history, with a sensitivity and specificity of approximately 80%, a positive Ilkellhood ratio of 3. 8, and a negative likelihood ratio of 0. 5. [3] Patients usually Ile down, flex their hips, and draw their knees up to reduce movements and to avoid worsening their pain. Later, a worsening progressive pain along with vomiting, nausea, and anorexia are described by the patient. usually. a fever is not present at this stage. The duration of symptoms Is less than 48 hours In approxima tely 80% of adults but tends to be longer In elderly persons and In those with perforation. Approximately 2% of patients report duration of pain in excess of 2 weeks. A history of similar pain is reported in as many as 23% of cases, but this history of similar pain, in and of itself, should not be used to rule out the possibility of appendicitis. In addition to recording the history of the abdominal pain, obtain a complete summary of the recent personal history surrounding gastroenterologic, genitourinary, nd pneumologlc conditions, as well as consider gynecologic history In female patients. An inflamed appendix near the urinary bladder or ureter can cause Irrltatlve v0101ng symptoms ana nematurla or pyurla. cystltls In male patlents Is rare in the absence of instrumentation. Consider the possibility of an inflamed pelvic appendix in male patients with apparent cystitis. Also consider the possibility of appendicitis in pediatric or adult patients who present with acute urinary retention. How to cite Appendicitis, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Accounting Assignment
Questions: a) Understand the language of financial accounting and financial reporting. b) Explain the purpose, content, format and practical applications of the following financial statements, the Profit and Loss Statement, the Balance Sheet, and the relationship between these financial statements. c) Understand the accounting cycle and the business process of accounting information systems and their ethical implications. Engage in the evaluation, development or implementation of computerized accounting information systems. Answers: Income Statement for the month ended on 31 October, 2012 particulars Amount (in $) Sales 4000 2,13,213.00 Less: Cost of goods sold 5010 (1,63,380.00) Total Income 49,833.00 Expenses Interest expense 5020 46,000.00 Expense on salaries 5040 22,500.00 Expenses Sundry 5060 11,660.00 Expense on Advertising 5070 750.00 Expense on Insurance 5080 800.00 Expense on Rent 5090 5,000.00 Expense on Bad debts 5100 5,496.00 Expense on Inventory devaluation 5110 4,800.00 expense on Depreciation of buildings 5120 2,917.00 expense on Depreciation of motor vehicle 5130 375.00 Total Expenses 1,00,298.00 Net Loss (50,465.00) Balance Sheet as on 31 October, 2012 Particulars Amount (in $) Assets Current assets Cash 1010 88,323.00 Accounts receivable 1020 1,20,510.00 doubtful debts allowance 1030 (5,666.00) 1,14,844.00 Inventory 1040 2,00,740.00 Prepaid insurance 1050 11,200.00 rent Prepaid 1060 45,000.00 Advertising Prepaid 1070 1,250.00 Non-current assets Buildings 1100 14,00,000.00 Buildings - Accumulated depreciation 1105 (1,77,917.00) 12,22,083.00 Motor vehicle 1200 45,000.00 - motor vehicle - Accumulated depreciation 1205 (9,375.00) 35,625.00 Total assets 17,19,065.00 Liabilities Share Capital 3010 12,79,200.00 Retained earnings 3020 (50,465.00) Non Current liabilities Bank Loan 2100 2,76,000.00 Current liabilities Accounts payable 2010 1,25,670.00 Interest payable 2020 46,000.00 Income tax payable 2030 - Salaries payable 2040 22,500.00 Provision for employee entitlements 2050 8,500.00 Accrued expenses 2060 11,660.00 Total Liabilities 17,19,065.00
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